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Introduction (Read this first)

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Introduction (Read this first) Empty Introduction (Read this first)

Post by Crossroads Nagishiki Wed May 20, 2009 12:51 pm

Welcome to The Star Wars Role Play. First just a few ground rules, that I would like everyone to follow and respect.

1. Language must be suitable for teenagers of 13 and above (It's Star Wars people. please keep it tasteful)
2. All forms of abuse must be reported to a moderator.
3. No Flaming other members.
4. No god modding.
5. No killing other members characters unless approved by the member.

Myself and other Moderators will keep track of the story and the people in the role play so please behave and not ruin other peoples fun.

Ok now for the basic set up of the role play. I had trouble thinking of how to relate everyone together into one story, then I deiced to adopt the Kotor theme. Basically while we all have our own individual class and ability's we will be moving as the Kotor party does, until you are strong enough to travel on your own. Also while there is only one planet available to you now, this will change as the story unfolds. (This does unfortunately mean it will be slow for awhile sorry please hang in there)

And now finally the story...

5 years after the exile left her companions behind to go into the unknown regions as Revan did. The Republic has slow begun rebuilding from the events involving the exile. The Jedi order has slowly began to return. The waters in the Room of a Thousand Fountains flow as they once did. Jedi Master Mical & Jedi Master Bastila have taken it upon themselves to help their old friend Carth Onasi help the republic rebuild the shattered galaxy and bring about a new age of peace and restore
the name of the Jedi. However despite Mical & Bastila’s best efforts they can not hold the inter galaxy together with only a handful of fully trained Jedi Knights and Padawan’s. They find themselves in desperate position as various Systems continue to send messages of trouble, they turn to there last hope. A band of unlikely Heroes to help save the republic and the Jedi…
Crossroads Nagishiki
Crossroads Nagishiki

Posts : 144
Join date : 2009-04-26


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